Saturday, January 31, 2015

So far so good

Hey hey!
It's me again. I am surviving a busy spring semester so far. I am taking my assignments and homework day by day and it's not going too bad. I also had my first day of practicum on the 27th and it went great! I was worried how things would be at the elementary level for me since I've been working in a high school for four years and didn't know if I'd be able to connect with the little ones as much as I do with the adolescents but I made some connections! The little kids loved me and they are all so accepting and friendly. They make you feel like you are the most important person in the world and it's just awesome. The guidance lessons are so bad either. That was the main thing stressing me out was guidance lessons because it involves classroom  management. I think I can be good at classroom management but I don't like to be controlling or mean in any way so the kids won't like me. Know what I mean? I hate the fact of not being liked. Especially when I'm trying to teach them an important social skill or something, but I think with little kids it won't be that bad. My first day I got a lot of direct hours and helped the school counselor with four guidance lessons and we were pretty much co-teaching the last lesson together. It was fun. All of our lessons had to do with tattling vs reporting and I loved the lessons she used. I just need to practice reacting to disrupting moments by the kids and do it in a kind sort of way....or should I? Oh well....this practicum is about learning so I'll make mistakes.

If school isn't stressful then it's wedding stuff. We recently had a little bit of a reception scare. The lady with whom we talked to and made arrangements with and signed the contract with at our reception place left at the end of October and we had no idea until about two weeks ago. Nice huh? I made an appt. to speak with the new lady in charge and she informed us that the other girl didn't write ANYTHING down about our reception details and lied to us about some things. I had a minor freak out.......but thankfully everything is taken care of right now. Everything got written down and we're good to go. Phew. If I run into the previous lady I'm going to give her a piece of my mind. Stupid.

Jared and I had our 2nd marriage counseling session today with my pastor and it went well. It's our last one which is just another check mark off of things to do before the wedding. We also made a deposit down for our honeymoon. Yeeeeeahhhhh buddy!!! Did I mention the picture below is the background on my computer and phone?
Oh, lovely St. Lucia. I can't wait to meet you. How can you help but not say, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh," when you see this picture? It's a daily reminder for me to relax and it helps me get my homework done because this place IS something to look forward to and I know that once ALL my homework is done for the semester I will be able to go there. Yippeee!! Can't wait. Now I just want my dress to come in......

Until next time. Time to keep truckin' on.

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