Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Yep, I know I haven't written a post in a while. My bad. It was a busy semester, okay! Happy to announce my first semester of grad school in the school counseling program is over. Phew. It was definitely a tough one working full time and taking 12 hrs of class, but I did it! There were times I wanted to cry (and often did), throw a fit like a 2 year old (occasionally did), and just give up. Papers after papers and presentations after presentations! I felt like things would never end but when they did it felt oh-so sweet. Even though I lost almost 8 pounds simply because of stress in the process I ended up with all A's and am pretty darn proud of myself. Woohoo! I am enjoying this month break from school and taking advantage of my time by doing what........WEDDING PLANNING!

Wedding planning is so fun! :) There are so many things that come with planning a wedding and it's challenging. Which means I like it! Bring on the challenge baby. I'll crush you. I am already ahead of the ball and we aren't getting married for another year and a half. Our wedding date is July 11, 2015 and already have the venue, church, and photographer booked. Boom! I also already asked my six bridesmaids to be in the wedding and they were all excited :) I made cute little cards for them and gave it to them for Christmas. I am in the process of making sure I get a trolley and DJ I want so those could be checked off very soon. That is if my fiance will let me make those plans. Ya see---I like to get things done right away whereas he is more laid back and likes to take his time. Nope, can't do that. I can do that with some things but when I know I want something, I gotta have it! The girl singing, "I want it now!" from Willy Wonka just popped into my head. Yikes. She really wanted that golden egg. I'm not like her at all, but can be at times ;) Hah. I just like to have things done a certain way and I want to make sure everything is in order. I probably won't go dress shopping until my spring break which is fine. I can wait for that. Speaking of wedding dress. I tried on my mom's wedding dress the other night and actually really liked it! I mean--yeah instead of it being ivory like it used to be it was more yellowish from being in a box for 33 years, it was wrinkly, and was a little too big but overall it was a pretty dress. My mommy is very important to me and I want to incorporate her dress on my dress somehow or even alter her dress to make it into something I could wear. She said I could alter it any way I wanted because she would never wear it again ;) There is some potential and can't wait to start fiddling with it.
 Hmmm....what else to write about.....2014 has a lot of things in store! My best friend's baby girl is due in April. I still can't believe she's pregnant. My other best friend is going to be having a baby as well and is due in June. She has a feeling it's a boy and it probably is. Whenever she has a feeling about something she is usually right on. Two of our good friends are getting married this year and Jared and I get to take our engagement pictures this summer, and Jared will start his LAST year of dental school this coming fall! I'm excited!

One thing that I would like to see happen this year is for one of my best friends who is very far away from me in Australia to have a wonderful year. Her 2013 year was not ideal in any way and she deserves to have a great 2014 year more than anyone I know. She is the most generous, kind, thoughtful, and selfless person I have ever met (besides my mommy) and she deserves the best. She has quite the mouth on her and lets "f" bombs out left and right but it wouldn't be right if she didn't. I hope God blesses her with the many wishes she is currently hoping for and I am constantly rooting for her to get those wishes granted. Love you Dana!

Here is to 2014! Until next time....

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