Hey guys,
Not sure who reads my blog but there's not much to read since I rarely get on here anymore. I got on here a lot during my multiculturalism class last fall when I had to but ever since that class ended I haven't paid much attention to this. I'm sorry blog. Forgive me. Well....here is an update.
Let's see...the last time I wrote on this was in March. Good Lord. A lot has happened since then. I turned 27, two of my best friends had their babies, weddings happened, more wedding planning got done, engagement pictures happened, project getting rid of my mom's crap happened (a lot, she had emails she printed out and bills from the 1980's and 1990's, she is a packrat), project repainting my dressers happened, a trip to the Ozarks happened which was SO much fun, lots of sand volleyball and slow pitch softball has been played, and Jared started his last year of dental school! I am able to write on this right now actually because I sprained my ankle at softball last night so I have it up right now. It's my bad ankle. I swear I have no ligaments left in that ankle. Scraped up my right leg pretty good too. It happened right after I hit a bomb to left field and I was running to first. There was a hole in the dirt in the baseline and I planted my left foot right in it and went down. Luckily it was the last inning, but man it was a good hit! Oh well!
Here are a few engagement pics Jared and I took out at his family farm and Lake McBride:
I just love them so much! Our photographer, Emily Crall, is awesome. She is so easy to work with and has such a fun personality. She rocks. Bottom line. Can't wait to see how our wedding photos turn out next July. Eeek!
Here are some pictures of my mom burning old, and I mean OLD, crap out at Jared's family farm. I was very proud of her. My dad and I went went through most of it and we helped her burn it. There was so much of it we couldn't burn it in one night and we still aren't done.
It was fun going out there and burning the stuff. It made for a huge bonfire. We roasted some hot dogs and brats even. Jared and his dad came out with us and we had a good time. Casey and my dad managed the fire most of the time. Another trip that needs mentioning is going to the Ozarks. There were 12 of us that went down and most of them were Jared's dental friends and they were a blast. They are a fun group of people and going to the Ozarks with them was a great time and lots of memories were made :) I wish we could go there every summer.
Well, that's all I have for now. I got a little bit of summer left before work and school starts. Better make the most of it. Jared leaves for Des Moines this weekend for a five week rotation at the VA there. Yesterday was his LAST first day of school. Can't believe he's almost done. I am so proud of him for how far he has come and am excited to see where the future takes us. I plan on visiting him in Des Moines and possibly going to the state fair. Haven't been to the state fair in forever. The last time I was there was probably when I danced there for Janet Long (a dance program I was in). That was a looooooong time ago. Like 1990's long time ago. I love fairs and I missed the Johnson County fair here so I need to go to the state fair! I'm excited :)
See you guys later!